Monday, August 19, 2013

Sabbatical. Part 2.

Sabbatical Part 2.

So I’m pretty much past half way through my gap year and it’s a good chance to sync up with my goals and update how they are going.

After leaving my routine in Huntington Beach I was sober, fit and focused after two months of being settled by the sea. That was until I hit the UK.  The home of pints, cooked breakfasts and clubbing.   Pretty much the antithesis of my time in LA.  And right in time for summer's distractions to come-a knocking! But I knew what I was in for.  Hell, I had been planning this trip for months. At any rate it was going to be hard to keep up, especially being on the move and without my supportive girlfriend pushing me along.

Well, here goes.

Write 30 songs.  Written nothing. I left my guitar in London so haven’t really had any chance to play. After previous trips carrying it around the world it would either sit dormant or be damaged by over zealous baggage handlers. I've decided to leave it behind. I managed to flex my performance muscle (or at least confidence muscle) by performing a couple of cover songs for Youtube before I left. Do something that scares you right? But no new songs to speak of be it riffs or lyrics.   In fact the only time I even played the guitar was with some Aussie backpackers at the Flying Pig backpackers in Amsterdam.  Have seen loads of music though, from Ben Howard to Blur.  Stacks of electronic artists as well, and after attending 6 or so festivals I'm pretty much well in tune with the latest trends and current crops of artists making waves out there.

Learn Spanish - no developments or advances here. Might help if I was actually in Spain. I did have a couple of days in Madrid in early July, but this was mainly to catch up on sleep and emails.  I’m hoping to get back to Spain towards the end of my trip and will be in a better position to continue (/begin) mastering a second language. What’s that saying - when in Spain do as the Spanish do.  So yeah lets wait until then aye.

Fitness/Running – my obsession and commitment with Nike Plus has gone out the window. Before I left I was running 3-4 times a week down to Huntington Beach.  I have been carrying the watch around with me on my travels but the battery was flat.  I would charge it up but it plugs into my laptop and I lost that charger as well. Just another casualty of life on the road.  Still, I have been doing 1-2 jogs per week (mainly Monday/Tuesday to dust the cobwebs off) but nothing of training purposes. In my defence (why do I need to defend myself to my own blog?) I have been doing lots of walking around cities and festivals. Actually heard a story about a person who wore a GPS bracelet around Glasto.  Can’t remember the kilometers’s but it was something ridiculous! Like 20-30km per day. And biking around Amsterdam of course.  I'm feeling fit and health but definitely not athlete material. Should I be? Nothing on the horizon but it is good chance to keep on top of things for future endeavours.

Writing/Blogging – same thing here. Not much action.  Lots of intention, little application.  One main reason is I lost my laptop charger in Croatia so I haven't been able to use it until recently.  I have managed to keep a written journal though.  I’m about 2 weeks behind at the moment, which is fine as it was nice to retrace my steps and reflect  (oh so that’s what happened in Amsterdam!)  I’m trying to focus on how I feel along my thoughts/perspectives on people and places rather than a blow-by-blow account of what I did and when.  Also other things clouding my mind be it relationship stuff, work or missing home. Surprisingly, I have a reasonable good memory and can recall most names and events in chronological order.  Writing a diary has made me proud about what an amazing experience I have had, one I will be able to enjoy and relive down the track. Putting your thoughts down does really does make you feel grateful and thus content.

Reading – yes have kept this up. Perfect for the plane, train or airport.  I have just finished Rod Steward's book, Derek Handley's book, currently reading the History of Scotland and about to start Nelson Mandela’s book.  Next I want to read Richie McCaw’s book.  Apparently he has some good feedback and success on setting and achieving goals. Bet he couldn't win the World Cup while travelling Europe though! ( No, he did that after he won the World Cup).  I have also been picking up any newspaper/flyer/brochure and am currently reading an NME, GQ and Mens Health magazine as well. I had a Lonely Planet Europe guide but left it in London as too bulky hard to carry. After seeing my sister effortlessly breeze through pages of Anne Frank’s Diary on her Ipad whilst on the train from Amsterdam I had thought about getting one (not sure the words Anne Frank and train from Amsterdam should be in the same sentence).  But it’s not very good for writing blogging or emailing on though.  I’m happy to be working off my computer. It is bulky carrying books/mags around so maybe it will be a worthwhile purchase in future. 

Rhythm and Vines work – I have managed to keep in touch with the team and give feedback when required, predominantly the program and some marketing advice. There have been some challenges this year but the team are more than experienced to solve the issues at hand. Last thing I have wanted is to be looking over their shoulder and telling them how to do something. Also getting involved in menial every day issues would suck up energy and would mean I would not be living in the present.  I'm happy with the balance and feel grateful I have a passionate and committed team keeping the business running in my absence.

Other business ideas – again nothing in writing or application but I have first hand experience of a stack of new perspectives, contacts and trends from around the world. Guess its just figuring out which ones I want to pursue. This is probably the hardest part! As I know getting new ideas off the ground is all about focus and application. Not the ideal time to be trying to wheel and deal while I’m just trying to travel.  But when the time is right I can pick them up.

On reflection

There are a couple of clear reasons I haven't been able to stick to and thus go someway to achieving my goals.

I do think I set too many. Not that they are unachievable but together they are ambitious.  Perhaps it is easy to do one or two things at a time. As Rod Stewart says in his book 'a man needs a job, a sport and a hobby'. His was a being a rock star, football and model trains. True story.  So maybe there is a message here that less is more, and to be content in master two or three things.  If I had said ' keep fit, learn spanish and write a blog' then it might be more achievable.  I could spend time focusing on those goals rather than chipping away all over the show and feel like you are making little progress.  Maybe it’s a male thing as well.  Apparently we can only do one thing at once and have difficulty multitasking?

I had found on the one hour a-day rule hard to keep up as well. You just get started on writing and be getting a roll on and look at the clock and it will be time to start playing your guitar. Or you will go for a run that ends up being 90 mins and get home and just want to chill out rather than begin Spanish study. I realise you need to apply yourself to achieve goals but best idea might be to just work longer on a few rather than all at once.

But over all I think it is being on the move. Travel takes up so much time and focus and you really need to be present. It may sounds like excuses but reality I'm not going to leave my lounge chair at Hula Hula to write my blog, or go for a run before heading along to day 3 of Tomorrowland.  Or should I be? Maybe this is the way to achieve multiple goals at once.  If I had been in my little routine in Huntington Beach I think I would be fine. But I wouldn’t be out travelling, meeting people and doing the things I want to do while I have the chance.

And its not like I haven’t been learning or experiencing other things Id hadn’t highlighted in this blog.  I have seen some of Europe's most beautiful spots from Hvar to Dam Square. I’ve meet and conversed with people from Canada to Cape Town.  I’ve connected with friends both new and old.  I’ve watched Aussies get pummeled in the cricket, I’ve seen Andy Murray reach the Wimbledon final. I’ve seen Mick Jagger shake his ass in front of 100k people.  I have been constantly asking questions, growing, learning. So get off my back ok blog!  What have you been doing since I’ve been away? Huh?!

Going forward

So with my past few months experience I am happy to strip back my goals and just focus on a couple.  Keeping up my writing is number one.  I have my blog, my diary, my book and some other creative projects that all require time and focus to develop.  I also intend to chip away at my fitness and reading. 

How to start (continue) travel writing

Everything else will have to wait.  Spanish can sit to the side until I am in a place that I can really apply it.  Like umm Spain.  My song writing is not going to happen unless I have my guitar, which is currently in a London wardrobe.  And I’m not prepared to carry one with me unless I am parked up in the same place for some time.  Of course I intend to keep up my R&V work as required, but other business ideas can wait until I am in such a position to develop and apply them. There is no harm in keeping on top of them though, working through them with friends, discussing them, fleshing them out.  In fact this is paramount to be able to constantly fine tune them to a point where they are even worth pursuing.

I’ll check back in a few weeks and see how I’m getting on. Who knows - things might have turned on their head and I’m writing Spanish love songs on my piano accordion, while I'm launching my new model train set business with Rod Stewart.

Watch this space!


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Place I have taken my bucket

  • Bangkok, Thailand
  • Gisborne
  • Hawkes Bay
  • Huntington Beach, Los Angeles
  • Ibiza
  • Lake Tahoe
  • London
  • Montreal
  • North Dunedin
  • Ponsonby, Auckland

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